martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

My funny piso mates.

Im sitting in the kitchen as I write this listening to my piso mates do their thing. Its very entertaining, really. Lut and Andres always have these little discourses about nothing really. It always comes back to either a mixer that has been broken since I moved in here or the smell that never quite goes away in the fridge. They argue back and forth telling each other that their private parts smell bad or that their significant others are somehow not quite adequate... either way its funny. Now Lut is speaking in Dutch to her grandma on the phone on the other side of the table and Andres is frying something. Not sure what but I can hear the oil popping and crackling 3 feet away from me. Oh life in this piso. I realize this blog entry is not the most entertaining blog entry ever, but you all should appreciate this insight into my piso life. Next time I'll tell a funny story cuz I'm sure to have them now that tall Max is here IN GRANADA!!! Yay! He's going to write the next blog entry, I think so stay tuned everyone!

2 comentarios:

Kristan dijo...


konner dijo...

Granada (and you and Emmy) is so lucky to be graced with the presence of TALL MAX.

Do tell what Halloween is like over there, yeah?