sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

life on track.... but i hit a speed bump.

i shoudl just let it roll off my back or whatever that expresison in english is )i am losing more and more control over my native language every day= but i messed up at work and my boss yelled at me. like a lot. and then he sent an email to everyone telling them i fucked up. i am pretty sad now. All I did was potentially prevent the hostal from renting 2 rooms by making a reservation on the phone and forgettign to get their information. Yeah, I did mess up, but I feel like it wasnt as big of deal as it would seem from the quantity and intensity of this scolding me both on the phone and in cyberspace. SIGH. Now I am soaked from having to walk back from work in the rain and I just want to go to sleep. I hope the two days off I get will help me recover...

and its a bummer also because everything went so smoothly today until then!!! urrrrggghhhh.

but im trying to think abotu more linguistics stuff because it makes me happy. Hoda! Kristan! help!

3 comentarios:

Hillary dijo...

Aww matteo, I still love you. Come visit, we won't yell at you here. Everyone in Barcelona is very loving.

Kristan dijo...

Linguistics!!! YAY!!! WOOOT!!!

I'm reading Catullus in Latin right now, and he is sooo dirty. You should read some Catullus sometime, but a new translation, not the old stuff one I have for my other class.

Here, an example from Catullus 28:
O Memmi, bene me ac diu supinum
tota ista trabe lentus irrumasti.

Our translation:
Oh Memmius, well and good for a long time did you fuck me, lying helpless, in the face with your whole shaft, taking your own sweet time.

Stuffy British Dude's translation from 1990:
O Memmius, you've laid me, good and long--stuffed me all that yard of yours.

See? We're much more interesting. It's funny how the British guy beats around the bush. I bet an older translation would be even worse....

Joanna dijo...

don't worry about it when i used to get shit at work (which was a lot) they usually forgot like the next day.