miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007


Unfortunately, I couldn't get Julia to make a guest post here but we will cross paths again so look forward to an entry by the lovely Miss Bergen.

Today was indeed a sad day in Granada. Max and Julia both left this lovely little city in southern Spain to continue on their journeys. Max is flying to the UK and Julia is off to Barcelona before her return to London. I miss them already and the excuse they gave me to not go to all of my classes... but I guess now I'll get back to the real world. What of my travel plans, you ask? I'm still here in Granada until Christmas time when I'll be heading to Barcelona, France?, Switzerland and Hungary! I'm very excited although I'm still not sure how I'm getting to all those places. All I know is I have a reservation in Budapest and a place to stay in Zurich. Oh well, as the number one couch surfer host of Amsterdam Larry Greweldinger says, "There's not really any point in making plans. The more plans you make, the more you can mess them up. No plans = no mess ups ;)" Yes, he even put the winking face.

In other news, my mom is here in Granada also. I took her to the Albaicin and to a shawarma place and I think they enjoyed it, but I also think the Granadina culture is a little different from them, but they'll either adjust or just keep on getting strange looks from everyone. No pasa nada.

ALSO, this was pretty exciting in a funny way... let me explain. So I live next to the "bohemian" street of town and naturally that attracts the transients and wanna be transients who have decided to make their meager living selling drugs. Now, on this street it is not at all uncommon for people to approach you and ask you if you want to buy drugs from them. Mostly there are offers for hash but the other day I got offered coke. TWICE. Ok well, it wasnt in the same day so that last sentence wasnt written very well but im too lazy to go back and change it. Deal with it. BUT COKE! How cool must I be for people to look at me on the street and think, "he wants to buy coke"..... oh.... wait.... that must mean i look like a coke head. Damnit. I guess I still don't have the Spanish style down yet.

Ya esta.


2 comentarios:

konner dijo...

Tell me when you're planning on being in Hungary, eh? I'm interested in going to Budapest and if I somehow don't see you ALL FUCKING YEAR I am going to be pissed, Mr. Fontenot.

Your constant talk of shawarma makes me hungry... and all the food I have is two slices of bread. Agh.

Joanna dijo...

if they offered you coke then you are basically a rockstar. ps. you should seriously come to barça during break. hill will be in the US but i will be here chillin.