lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2007

(submit comments with suggestions of a title for this entry)

Exciting piece of news number 1. Tomorrow is my last day of my receptionist job. Its been only a month at Hostal AB and at first I thought my intense desire to flee from that job was a sign of patheticness, but it turns out, no one really likes the boss. I hope he doesn´t facebookstalk me and find out I have a blog and read this, but you guys should know. He´s a creeper. I think a large part of me having no ganas de staying there was him. Right from the get go he made me kind of uncomfortable. Oh well, that short short chapter of my life is reaching its proverbial final period.

Also, my plans are solidifying for this navidad break coming up. Here´s an outline so if any of you are in the same place at the same time we can meet up and find somehow to not freeze to death (average predicted temperature for this trip is about 3 degrees celcius). In any case, *December 23rd- I catch my .01 cent flight to Barcelona Girona and then make my way into the city from the tiny airport in the middle of nowhere known as Girona. Hopefully rendezvous-ing with Max will happen since we are staying in the same hostel, Sant Jordi Diagonal. Then at some point Emmy and her family step into the picture and there is joy and merriment as Christmas passes.
*December 26th- I fly out of the MAIN airport of Barcelona (eff you ryanair!) and arrive a few hours later in Zurich, Switzerland where the temperature is sure to be close to freezing with a RealFeel temperature of -5 degrees. FANTASTIC! But thank you to Max´s uncle who is letting us stay at his place for a few days while we wander through the Swiss winter wonderland.
*December 30th- Although this is still in the planning stages, hopefully it will solidify later today when Emmy and I have a planning party... We catch an overnight train, with beds and everything! so exciting!, to Budapest, Hungary where we check into the hostel with an unpronounceable name where we will reside until New Years. Hopefully there will be awesome parties and things to go to. Emmy´s cousin recommended a really fun bar that occasionally puts on drag shows, which would make great photo opps for facebook albums. I can imagine now, ¨Me and Minnie Coffee in Budapest on New Years. We later took shots of absinthe.¨ How bad ass will that be? Well, painful too, you ever had a shot of absinthe? It burns.
*January 2nd- I have to go to class soon so I´ll wrap this up. We will take a train to Vienna, Austria for four days (hostel yet to be reserved) and have much much Viennese fun until we return home by ryanair....*sigh* to Granada on the 7th... or 6th. I cant remember. Good thing we´re having a planning party today.

Off to anthropology! Hasta la hora!

2 comentarios:

konner dijo...

I'm going to be in Budapest with you, yee haw.

Anónimo dijo...

i'm gonna make my own site about it