martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

My funny piso mates.

Im sitting in the kitchen as I write this listening to my piso mates do their thing. Its very entertaining, really. Lut and Andres always have these little discourses about nothing really. It always comes back to either a mixer that has been broken since I moved in here or the smell that never quite goes away in the fridge. They argue back and forth telling each other that their private parts smell bad or that their significant others are somehow not quite adequate... either way its funny. Now Lut is speaking in Dutch to her grandma on the phone on the other side of the table and Andres is frying something. Not sure what but I can hear the oil popping and crackling 3 feet away from me. Oh life in this piso. I realize this blog entry is not the most entertaining blog entry ever, but you all should appreciate this insight into my piso life. Next time I'll tell a funny story cuz I'm sure to have them now that tall Max is here IN GRANADA!!! Yay! He's going to write the next blog entry, I think so stay tuned everyone!

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

life on track.... but i hit a speed bump.

i shoudl just let it roll off my back or whatever that expresison in english is )i am losing more and more control over my native language every day= but i messed up at work and my boss yelled at me. like a lot. and then he sent an email to everyone telling them i fucked up. i am pretty sad now. All I did was potentially prevent the hostal from renting 2 rooms by making a reservation on the phone and forgettign to get their information. Yeah, I did mess up, but I feel like it wasnt as big of deal as it would seem from the quantity and intensity of this scolding me both on the phone and in cyberspace. SIGH. Now I am soaked from having to walk back from work in the rain and I just want to go to sleep. I hope the two days off I get will help me recover...

and its a bummer also because everything went so smoothly today until then!!! urrrrggghhhh.

but im trying to think abotu more linguistics stuff because it makes me happy. Hoda! Kristan! help!

martes, 23 de octubre de 2007

I need to get my life on track!

So recently I have been skippingn way too many classes. I havent gone to the last 2 Linguistics classes in a row mostly because they bore me. I already know the material because I have already taken like 20 linguistics classes at Santa Cruz so he cant surprise me. Also, I didnt go to my Translation class today! That is bad. I dont think I missed too much nor do I think the professor will mind terribly that I missed one class but still, sleeping is not better then class once im into the 10th hour of sleep for that night! Thats just too much sleeping! Ok, so, starting tonight after work I am going to get my act together. I will be a good student and do the right thing and go to classes.

Tambien, pienso que una razon que no fui a mi clase de traduccion hoy es porque estaba demasiado preocupado sobre mi trabajo. Yo se que con mas tiempo y practica me mejorare pero ahora siento tan tonto cuando comito un eror y 10 personas me dicen que me equivoque. Lo que sea. Hare un dia de trabajo increible hoy y nadie me podra decir que he hecho algo malo...espero. Sigh. Vamos a ver.

Other than these things what has been going on lately... nothing out of the ordinary except since I cant get my bank of america accoutn to link to my citibank account (and I dont want to ask my parents for money) I have 40 dollars until November. I hope I can make that stretch.

Im not very interesting right now so you guys write to me and let me know about the excitign things that are going on for you guys!!

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

Re: El post de mi amor/companera de piso

1. i dont even use the same bathroom as lut.

2. and I did NOT steal her chips. No one knows who took them but I promise I did not take them because I had my own bag of chips!!!

3. burritos and fajitas are not bad and everyone from california who reads this will agree with me.

4. but yes, i am a bad cook and i have the scar to prove it!

I <3 you too Lut.

my beloved roommate

well im the belgian roommate from mate. dont know what to write.... when i first met him i thought hmmmm he is different :) and i was right. We went for a drink had some nice talks, and i loved him. He is so great, stylish, cool and off the hook ;)

then we went to a party and i loved him even more. Even though he is a bad cook and cut himself once in a while, and brakes our cleaning stuff... everybody loves matt!!!!
He s eating is horrible: it excist in buritos, fajitas and that s pretty much it!!!!!
He even rearranged his room while i wastold not to do that for more than 8 month. I steals my chips and leaves his dyed blond hear in the bathtub :)

well we still all love matt.... hope there is more to come..... matt is my beloved roommate your cool dude!!!!
love your roomie lut

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2007

My heels hurt.

This morning was a special day for me. I woke up at 830 to get ready for this momentous day, and promptly fell back asleep until 9. But then I got up and got ready.... in a hurry. I left the piso at 915 togive myself enough time to walk all the way down to Camino de Ronda where I was to meet someone at Hostal AB. After consulting my map, I made my way down and arrived with 15 minutes to spare before I was to meet them. However, it took my 17 minutes to find the damn hostal. Turns out I was on the wrong side of the street, but its not as bad as it sounds because its a big street and i had to walk into the block to find the hostal. Anyways, upon arriving I met Esperanza, my new coworker. Thats right, I GOT A JOB!!!!!! Its pretty exciting and the hostal is very low key so no worries about being super proper and formal and appeasing absolutely everyone to the point where I am licking their shoes clean. I am a receptionist there and its gonna be way guai. Anyways, I got a tour and a run down of how everything works and it seems pretty simple so Ill let you all know how it goes once I start next Tuesday.

Then I went to classes, well, one class out of the three. We got out early frommy first class and I went to the library to research linguistic-y stuff and it made me soooo happy that I didnt go to my next class. I stayed and literally read the dictionary of linguistics and phonology for entertainment long after I had enough information for my paper. Go ahead, judge me, but you will never know the joy of apocope or subordinate clauses. Ill keep this blog relatively short and end by saying that I have played Under the Blacklight by Rilo Kiley about 30 times straight in the last two days. Im obsessed. I just wish I hadnt found out about this 2 or 3 months after it came out. Dang Atlantic Ocean separating me from my favorite music!

Hasta luego!

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

lockouts, fajitas, drugs, and chocolate

If Emmy were a video game character, she would not be a rogue. Rogues, unlike Emmy can pick locks. Ok, so in all honesty I wouldnt be a rogue either. Here's the story:

2PM - Naturally, I had just woken up. Then I got a call from Emmy informing me that she had locked herself out of her piso and couldnt get back in because one of her piso mates was in Cadiz and the other was working and the location of her job was not known. So, we went over to her piso and waited outside until someone went into the building becuase there was a "backdoor" to the piso we thought we could enter through. No one came to open the doors but we did get accosted by a homeless man who told us about how much he hated Granada. Eventually we just buzzed a random floor and asked the woman who answered to open the door. So the "backdoor" turned out to be closed off with metal bars which is good for the security of Emmys piso but bad for us since we couldnt get in. Then Emmy started texting piso mates to ask to borrow keys (probably a good idea to have done in the first place, but whatever you get more entertainment this way) and it took the piso mates a long time to respond so we tried other ways of opening the door. We tried ringing the doorbell, using MY keys in HER door, and we even resorted to attempting to pick the lock with a bobbypin. We couldnt get the door open but we did get the pin stuck in the door so even the right set of keys wouldnt be able to open that door. All turned out well since Leila responded and it turns out she works about 1 block away from the piso so borrowing her keys was easy.

Then Emmy fixed fajitas which were amazing and we played cards, listened to music and laughed at ourselves until we went out later that night. We went over to Ali's and then out to Kapital. Now, we had never been to Kapital but it was recommended by Ali's piso mate. Personally, I wasnt a huge fan especially since there were more drugged out people in that club than in Porter meadow on 420. Well, I exaggerate but there were tweakers there for sure. One almost burned Lauras hair with his cigarette and other ones stroked Ali's friends back when she walked by to go to the bathroom. It was creepy. They also played a little too much reggaeton for my taste. Vogue still reigns supreme as my favorite afterhours club in Granada.

Now as I write this blog not much has happened other than the rearranging of my room. I am trying to read these anthropology articles for class but they are insanely complex and my guiri brain cant handle it. Luckily my friend Tim, form high school, invited me to churros con chocolate on him. It was the most delicious thing Ive eaten in a long while. I <3 you, churros. I <3 <3 you too, chocolate.