sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2007


So for lack of a title for this entry you get zomgwow. Its a mix of zomg and gwow. gwow is like wow, but in spain. So I went to Oktoberfest and it was glorious. I drank OH so much beer and then traveled for 19 hours. Yes, consecutively with no break in between. Getting to Munich only took 8 hours but on the way back the plane had a problem IN THE AIR and we had to turn aroudn and land. TWICE. thats right, we took off again after "fixing the problem" and it happened again. Then they brought a plane in from London and messed up their schedule and we had to wait 5 more hours. I was exhausted and probably lookin' a beast, but I got home. Then I slept for 14 hours.

Also, I just performed my chore of the week which was trash and washing kitchen floor. It went fine until I was mopping. I broke the mop. Honestly, last night Lut mopped and half broke it but I sealed the deal and broke it in two. I went out and bought a new one but I think the one I broke was only 2 days old. Oops. Andres might be mad. I also hope to join a gym today or tomorrow - depending on when Im feelign lazy enough to actually leave the piso to go there and sign up.

Ok, now I have to go search through the schedule of classes to see which I signed up for. I forgot and I start classes in 2 days. Shoot. Wish me luck!

5 comentarios:

Hillary dijo...

you broke the mop?!? now just break an effin chupa chup and you'll have broken the spirit/every invention of spain. douche. gwow.

Kristan dijo...

dear matt,

i miss you. can I come visit you in spain?

love, kristan

Hoda dijo...

i'm a fan of gwow. also, being on a plane that had to turn around and emergency land TWICE is pretty ridiculous.
my friend was flying over the atlantic when the plane suddenly turned off and started plunging for 10 seconds. then the plane came back on, the engines started, and they leveled out again. the captain, instead of sounding reassuring, sounds scared to death saying he has no idea what just happened and that he hoped they'd make it to ny for an emergency landing.

konner dijo...

WHY DO YOU NOT UPDATE EVERY DAY. Your posts keep me going.


Heh. Just kidding. It's not like I'm suffering here or anything. I ate a bunch of cheesecake tonight while watching Brick, and then I watched some youtube videos with friends and drank tea. It was nice.

You know what else is nice? When you update your blog.

Hillary dijo...

i was just blogger.com stalking you, and your interests are fanta limon? me too! let's get married. actually, if you love fanta limon so much, why don't you must marry it?