jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2007

A special treat

Today we have a guest author in this here blog. Please give a warm welcome to EMMY!!!!

Good Evening. Good News! Matt and I have graduated....from Pre-ILP Cadiz summer 2007! That's right folks, we passed a series of classes that did absolutely nothing to improve our spanish....On a slightly different topic, we have also been going out quite a bit recently (except for tonight, of course, because we are busy writing blogs and all). One night we headed to a bar where I actually got to meet the owner. Many people were suspicious if he was actually the owner or just saying so. Regardless, I thought it would be a good idea to get to know this fellow whether or not he was the owner because he could prove to be of great service. After Mary (a friend here) asked him for free "chupitos" we knew that he was telling the truth. However, he didn't exactly have the right idea on what we wanted. He continued to pour HUGE shots of what tasted like poison! We forced them down because, hey, they were free! After people left in order to preserve the rest of their taste buds, I thought it would be a good idea to continue this interaction. However, whether it was the sketchy man or the sketchy drink, I was dragged away due to some intuition people where receiving from the situation....who knows! speaking of odd... another night Some guy just randomly grabbed my head at a club......ummm, ok...my head? really?! whatever. Anyways, I should really go. Matt's getting paranoid I should really tend to the situation at hand. Until, another time where I can take advantage of Matt's intoxicated state of being, Adios!

5 comentarios:

Matt dijo...

HEY! I told you no bad mouthing! Your blogging privileges are hereby revoked!

Hoda dijo...

lol! i especially loved all the colorfulness of this blog.

Anónimo dijo...

I dont know, I personally think that this is the best blog to date. And I definitely think that it would be a shame if the writer of this blog were to lose his/her blogging privileges. Whoever wrote this blog must have been the best person in the world. That is all I have to say. I look forward to reading more blogs like this one

max dijo...

yay! colors! that's much more exciting than matt's usual black. way to go emmy.

and matt, I think you will like this:

Anónimo dijo...

I agree with anonimo. This is Yael btw. Emmy should have a guest role. It will be just like a sitcom, we'll all clap every time she enters!
Vale, pues tengo que hacer tarea ahora...os echo de menos, y quiero saber mas de vuestros pisos!